Monday, May 28, 2012

Shorty shorts to Mom Jeans... The Journey Continues

While out on date night a while ago I was taken aback by a pretty young girl wearing shorts that were short enough she could have caught herpes if she sat down in the wrong place. I made the mistake of saying to Hubby "I wonder if I would wear shorts like that if I had the legs," to which he replied... "don't kid yourself... of course you would!" While I realize he's probably right, if it wasn't for my collection of spider veins and cellulite I would probably still be dressing a little inappropriate, I hope that the "I'm someone's mother" inner voice would over-ride it. Anyone who knew me in my late teens and early twenties may remember, among other outfits, the gold, skin-tight tiger print dress I used to wear on formal nights on the ships or the day I wore a handkerchief as a shirt in grade 12 (yes, you read that correctly). I have to say though that the normal bit of weight gain that comes with getting older and having a baby has changed how I dress, but I am hoping so too has the realization that I am 30 and can in NO WAY get away with wearing what my 16-year-old self would wear. When I started really thinking about it, I guess that most of the changes to my wardrobe have been slowly creeping up on me:

- I buy clothes at Costco now, I'm not too sure when this happened, but I love them. 16-year-old me would be disgusted by this... 

- I am one set of pleats away from mom jeans. The other day I bought a pair of jean capris at Costco and was delighted when I brought them home and found that they fit perfectly, just how I wanted them to. I was less delighted however, when I saw the tag that said "tummy control." What does that really mean anyway? Since when does my tummy need controlling? My temper maybe, but not my tummy....

- The first time I saw the commercial for Pajama Jeans I immediately thought "what a great idea!"

- I routinely argue with my husband that Jeggings are not Pajama jeans... He thinks I'm in denial, I think he needs a smack.

-If I can't breastfeed while wearing it, I don't wear it. It's too much work, especially when your boobs change size hourly. (seriously not an exaggeration)

- I used to have "bar" cleavage and "normal" cleavage.... Now I have "normal" cleavage and "church" cleavage. (it is funny, how after years of pushing and stuffing those puppies up, you find yourself trying to strap down some outta control nursing boobies...)

- I used to stuff my bra with everything from sweat socks to "chicken cutlets".... Now I stuff them with little pads of absorbent material. I basically walk around with maxi pads or panty liners in my bra at all times.... nursing is fun. 

-I used to just have sweatpants. Now I separate them into regular, wear-around-the-house sweatpants and nice, wear-to-Costco sweatpants (otherwise known as Lululemons) 

-I used to buy my underwear at stores that only sold undergarments, and they would nicely wrap the pretty, lacey things in tissue paper. Now I buy my underwear in the same store I can buy motor oil... and the plastic package of 5 white ones and 5 beige ones is a thing of beauty. If I'm feeling REALLY sassy then I'll get the package of black ones... 

- When reminded and sometimes encouraged by my husband to wear some of the clothes I used to wear just 3 or 4 years ago, I find myself replying with "I can't wear that now! I'm someone's MOTHER!!!" 

Monday, May 21, 2012

The "Baby Weight" Conversation

Tonight I come to you a particularly distressed mommy. It's not because my little bean seems to be crying more than usual (though she is) and it's not because I have an ungodly amount of laundry to do (though I do)... it's because of a particularly distressing article that I ended up seeing and unfortunately reading on the yahoo website. After a long day and a lot of  baby crying, I decided to sit down at the computer with a bevy after finally getting little bean to sleep. A sort of "mommy recharge time" if you will. I happened upon an article and once I read it, I found myself stunned, angry, sad, and confused. For anyone interested, here is the article in question:

Words cannot express my feelings right now. As someone who had always felt less than confident with my physical appearance, pregnancy and motherhood has been a sort of safe-haven for me, or at least... it was. Pregnancy and breastfeeding allowed me to have a perspective on my body that I had never had before. Not only was I able to grow a beloved little person inside of me, but I could also bring her into this world and then feed her. I never knew how amazing my body was before and I started to appreciate it like never before. That and I suddenly had an amazing rack. My perfectionist mindset also changed a lot. My inner dialogue was NICE for a change, actually, it was nice for the first time ever. The pressure was finally off. No matter how I looked in comparison to other girls it didn't matter because "I just had a baby!"

And now a garbage article on some website somewhere has me questioning my new-found confidence. So I questioned this, why, WHY is some stupid article getting to me? The more I thought about it the more it dawned on me, I hear this conversation every day. How many times have you heard your mother, your sister, your friend, your mother-in-law etc.... make a comment about another woman's post-baby appearance? Probably pretty often. The truth is, the conversation that is going on in the article is one that happens in our everyday lives too, not just in Hollywood. How many times have you heard someone make comments about their own or someone else's appearance after they have had a baby? We notice (and all too often make comments to others) when someone gains more (or less) than the "standard" 25 to 30lbs during pregnancy. We notice how quickly or slowly those extra pounds come off.... we most certainly notice if they stay indefinitely. We notice when bra size changes and when excess "baby tummy" goes away. If someone looses the weight quickly we tout them as some kind of super mommy and want to know their secret. If someone doesn't loose the weight quickly or at all there is a kind of "join the club" mentality. An attitude of "ha ha silly girl... did you think you were going to look cute forever? Give up! Your a mommy now!" And if you gain quite a lot of weight and are failing to loose it quickly, god help you. You must be a lazy person, content to sit on the couch watching your baby jump away in the jolly jumper.

What is it that makes us put so much importance on a woman's appearance? Now not only do you have to be a superwoman, with a clean house and a clean, happy baby (impossible). Not only do you need to squeeze into those lululemons and cart your baby off to mommy and me yoga 2 days after giving birth, you have to look good doing it. No no no... you can't do mommy and me yoga and loose the weight eventually, you have to SHOW UP starting the class looking good. You should pretty much be able to walk out of the hospital wearing your pre-baby jeans. If not, you must have failed as a woman.

I guess the point of this rant was just to get us all thinking. To at least question why we have these conversations and hopefully, to question if we want to continue them. I for one will be defending the next woman I hear being criticized for not "loosing the baby weight fast enough." Friend, family or celebrity it doesn't matter. When you stand up for one new mommy and halt the conversation, you stand up for us all. And if anyone needs back up, it's us sleep-deprived new mommies....

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mommies Day

So today is my first official Mother's Day (unless you count pets). Not only that but my little bean will be 7 months old on Monday. It is amazing how fast time has flown by. In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would reminisce about all the things that my mother used to do that drove me crazy growing up... all the things that I now find myself doing on a regular basis.... it's amazing what a change in perspective can do.

- Microwaving coffee. I used to find this habit utterly disgusting. I would think, "Just drink it or make a new one!" Now I am a mom and I completely understand.... rarely do I eat a hot meal or drink my coffee while it is hot anymore. I think little bean has a built in timer that tells her to fuss the instant I sit down to eat or drink something.

- Eating a lunch consisting of a few pickles, some cheese, and some crackers. Or just a piece of chocolate or a cookie. I would think to myself "Mom! Make yourself a proper meal!" I now understand, however, that you either have time to make something to eat or to eat something, but not both... such is the mommy's dilemma...

- Putting a pair of sunglasses on my head and calling it a hair do..... sometimes you don't get to shower, 'nuff said.

- What I called the "speed vacuum." This consisted of my mother walking around and picking up large pieces of lint and crumbs off the floor before someone came over. A way of making it look like you vacuumed without actually vacuuming. This used to drive me CRAZY! And now, guess what? I may just be a speed vacuuming champion....

- Peeing with the door open. This drove me absolutely nuts when I was a teenager. I would close the door, lock the door, I probably would have dead bolted it if I could have, so I really couldn't understand why someone would go pee with the door wide open, not just unlocked. Now that I am a mom I find myself doing this often, the "I really have to go pee but only if I can still hear what is going on in every single room of this house..."

- Worrying. I, like most teenagers, could simply not understand why my mother worried so much. Didn't she understand that I already knew everything about everything and there was nothing to worry about! However, something strange happens when you become a mother, and when your heart starts living, breathing, and walking around outside of your chest, you begin to worry a bit. Well, actually, you worry about everything! My current list of worries includes but is not limited to:
- falling when walking down stairs with her
- falling when carrying her at anytime
- anyone falling while carrying her
- getting into an accident while driving with her in the vehicle, and having it catch on fire while we are upside down in the ditch after rolling 6 times.
- dry drowning in the bathtub (thank Oprah for this one...)
- suffocation on a crochet blanket with holes all over it
- having the straps on her jolly jumper "let go" for absolutely no reason
- aliens. Yes you read that correctly, aliens. Last night when I got up to feed little bean in the wee hours of the morning I heard a strange sound outside. Though I'm sure it was probably a train (we live behind a train track) my mind immediately jumped to a possible apocalyptic alien attack, and I began to lament about how much I was going to suck at defending my family against aliens..... Perhaps I need to nap a little during the day when little bean goes down....

So, my suggestion is to make sure you hug your mom today. After all, you put her through a lot during those teen years. And if you are currently a teenager who knows everything, just wait.... soon all those things you tell yourself: "I'll never do that!"............ you will.... you will :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Its hard out here for a Momma....

My husband says I over-think things and worry far too much. It is possible that he has a point. It has come to my attention in the last few months that I have given birth to a girl and will, inevitably, have to deal with a pre-teen and then teenage girl at some point.... This thought scares the ever-living piss out of me.... As much as I would prefer it if she would just stay a 7 month old forever (you know, content to just smile at me and can't lip me off or walk anywhere yet) I realize that this preference is futile, and compared to the alternative I would much rather have things the way they are. Nonetheless my little mind worries about the things to come, and below are the list of things I am most frightened of:

1. Barbies/Bratz dolls. I don't know when it happened, but barbie turned into a raging drag queen. No, nevermind, all the drag queens I've seen look good.... these dolls look scary. Like hot-pink eye-shadow up to the eyebrows scary....

2. Trips to the mall. Right now I am scared of the thought of someone taking her. Most likely this fear will change over time to the fear of the dreaded "but I WAAANNNNTTTT it" temper tantrum. Dear God, please give me the strength to take my daughter's hand and rip her out of the mall if I ever see her do the things I have seen other children do while their parents pull out their wallets, unphased by the whining and screaming...

3. Boys. Well, its not really boys that worry me, its their hormones. The ones that take over and cause a normal nice young man to stab his best friend in the arm in order to see a pair of boobs kind of hormones.

4. Actually I will backtrack on that. Its not just nice little boys with hormones that worry me. Older boys scare the crap out of me. Dear lord, please give her the vision to see that if she is in grade 9 and a guy in grade 12 wants to be her boyfriend, its because none of the girls in grade 12, 11 or 10 want to go near him. God help any man over the age of 18 that ever comes to my door to pick up my teenage daughter.... for he will soon be missing some important body parts...
But leading from that....

5. The gay marriage debate. May my daughter, by the time she is 45 and ready to lose her virginity on her wedding night, be able to lose that virginity to whomever she wants. Let her and my future grandchildren be in a world where there is just marriage and not "gay-marriage."

6. Drinking and Drug use. I know it will happen... but please dear Lord, lead her towards one or two sips of Boons and away from the Tequila body shots, and to experiment once or twice with the green stuff but not anything else. May that pretty little nose stay as clean as her mother's.

7. The Flames.... If you are anything other than an Oilers fan I don't know if your father could ever forgive you....

8. Cutting/ Safety Pins through the skin/ Whatever else kids are doing these days. Dear Lord if she is ever in so much pain that she feels the need to cut her flesh, please please please lead her to me so I can pour love all over her hurts. And if she starts putting weird things in weird places only because her friends think its cool that she put a safety pin through the back of her neck... please please please lead me to her so I can slap her silly.

9. Other Girls. Girls can be mean.... mean mean mean.... Please Please Please God, let her meet some nice friends. Ones that aren't too pretty or popular but who are exceptionally smart and well read. Ones that will stay up all night at sleep overs and braid her hair and keep all her secrets....

10. Driving in a vehicle, at anytime, anywhere, with anyone. I am starting to loathe whomever thought it would be a good idea to put us all in little metal boxes so we could zing around the country at 120 Km per hour, governed only by little lines painted on the ground and pretty changing lights. Whomever it was certainly wasn't someone's mother....

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Not So Extreme Couponing

Today is 15% off Tuesday, my favorite day of the month. To celebrate I thought I would write a blog. Like many others I have become obsessed with the TLC show Extreme Couponing, which follows several Americans during their weekly grocery shopping trips. Unfortunately for us Canadians, several of the deals available in US stores are not available in ours. Different rules and regulations around coupon use mean that we cannot duplicate the crazy "98%" savings that we see on the American show. I have however, been able to pick up a few tips and tricks from the show that can be used by anyone here at home:

-Plan your weekly shopping trips and meal plans around what's on sale. An easy peasy way to do this is to go and view the deals of your favorite store online, so you can organize your shopping list without having to leave the couch. (studies have shown that you tend to spend far less in the store if you go in with a list and stick to it!)

-As always, stock up on non-perishable items when on sale (but no need to go into the hording phase!) Sales go in rotation, so if something is on sale stock up for the next 3 or 4 months until it goes on sale again. Then you can avoid having to ever pay full price!

- Collect coupons for items that you know you will need. These can be collected from newspapers or from websites. I recommend, and The coupon booklets that come in the newspaper are also good, my favorite is the P&G Brandsaver one because it always has diaper coupons!

- Check with store policy, but see if you can use coupons for items that the store already has on sale so you can maximize your savings. I do this all the time and used to also combine this tactic with 15% off Tuesday, but alas.... they changed the policy and no longer allow coupon use on this day. Nonetheless..... 

-Always do your large monthly grocery haul on the first tuesday of every month, as nearly every store chooses to offer an extra %15 off your bill (provided you have a store card, which costs nothing and I highly recommend!)

-In Red Deer, students of RDC can get 10% off at Sobeys when presenting their ID card, check your city for similar deals if you are a student.

Other than that, always be sure to bring your own bags, as we have enough plastic in the landfills as is. I used as many of these tricks as I could and I got my last grocery bill down from $189 to $130. Every little bit helps!
Happy Shopping