Monday, May 28, 2012

Shorty shorts to Mom Jeans... The Journey Continues

While out on date night a while ago I was taken aback by a pretty young girl wearing shorts that were short enough she could have caught herpes if she sat down in the wrong place. I made the mistake of saying to Hubby "I wonder if I would wear shorts like that if I had the legs," to which he replied... "don't kid yourself... of course you would!" While I realize he's probably right, if it wasn't for my collection of spider veins and cellulite I would probably still be dressing a little inappropriate, I hope that the "I'm someone's mother" inner voice would over-ride it. Anyone who knew me in my late teens and early twenties may remember, among other outfits, the gold, skin-tight tiger print dress I used to wear on formal nights on the ships or the day I wore a handkerchief as a shirt in grade 12 (yes, you read that correctly). I have to say though that the normal bit of weight gain that comes with getting older and having a baby has changed how I dress, but I am hoping so too has the realization that I am 30 and can in NO WAY get away with wearing what my 16-year-old self would wear. When I started really thinking about it, I guess that most of the changes to my wardrobe have been slowly creeping up on me:

- I buy clothes at Costco now, I'm not too sure when this happened, but I love them. 16-year-old me would be disgusted by this... 

- I am one set of pleats away from mom jeans. The other day I bought a pair of jean capris at Costco and was delighted when I brought them home and found that they fit perfectly, just how I wanted them to. I was less delighted however, when I saw the tag that said "tummy control." What does that really mean anyway? Since when does my tummy need controlling? My temper maybe, but not my tummy....

- The first time I saw the commercial for Pajama Jeans I immediately thought "what a great idea!"

- I routinely argue with my husband that Jeggings are not Pajama jeans... He thinks I'm in denial, I think he needs a smack.

-If I can't breastfeed while wearing it, I don't wear it. It's too much work, especially when your boobs change size hourly. (seriously not an exaggeration)

- I used to have "bar" cleavage and "normal" cleavage.... Now I have "normal" cleavage and "church" cleavage. (it is funny, how after years of pushing and stuffing those puppies up, you find yourself trying to strap down some outta control nursing boobies...)

- I used to stuff my bra with everything from sweat socks to "chicken cutlets".... Now I stuff them with little pads of absorbent material. I basically walk around with maxi pads or panty liners in my bra at all times.... nursing is fun. 

-I used to just have sweatpants. Now I separate them into regular, wear-around-the-house sweatpants and nice, wear-to-Costco sweatpants (otherwise known as Lululemons) 

-I used to buy my underwear at stores that only sold undergarments, and they would nicely wrap the pretty, lacey things in tissue paper. Now I buy my underwear in the same store I can buy motor oil... and the plastic package of 5 white ones and 5 beige ones is a thing of beauty. If I'm feeling REALLY sassy then I'll get the package of black ones... 

- When reminded and sometimes encouraged by my husband to wear some of the clothes I used to wear just 3 or 4 years ago, I find myself replying with "I can't wear that now! I'm someone's MOTHER!!!" 

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