Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mommies Day

So today is my first official Mother's Day (unless you count pets). Not only that but my little bean will be 7 months old on Monday. It is amazing how fast time has flown by. In honor of Mother's Day I thought I would reminisce about all the things that my mother used to do that drove me crazy growing up... all the things that I now find myself doing on a regular basis.... it's amazing what a change in perspective can do.

- Microwaving coffee. I used to find this habit utterly disgusting. I would think, "Just drink it or make a new one!" Now I am a mom and I completely understand.... rarely do I eat a hot meal or drink my coffee while it is hot anymore. I think little bean has a built in timer that tells her to fuss the instant I sit down to eat or drink something.

- Eating a lunch consisting of a few pickles, some cheese, and some crackers. Or just a piece of chocolate or a cookie. I would think to myself "Mom! Make yourself a proper meal!" I now understand, however, that you either have time to make something to eat or to eat something, but not both... such is the mommy's dilemma...

- Putting a pair of sunglasses on my head and calling it a hair do..... sometimes you don't get to shower, 'nuff said.

- What I called the "speed vacuum." This consisted of my mother walking around and picking up large pieces of lint and crumbs off the floor before someone came over. A way of making it look like you vacuumed without actually vacuuming. This used to drive me CRAZY! And now, guess what? I may just be a speed vacuuming champion....

- Peeing with the door open. This drove me absolutely nuts when I was a teenager. I would close the door, lock the door, I probably would have dead bolted it if I could have, so I really couldn't understand why someone would go pee with the door wide open, not just unlocked. Now that I am a mom I find myself doing this often, the "I really have to go pee but only if I can still hear what is going on in every single room of this house..."

- Worrying. I, like most teenagers, could simply not understand why my mother worried so much. Didn't she understand that I already knew everything about everything and there was nothing to worry about! However, something strange happens when you become a mother, and when your heart starts living, breathing, and walking around outside of your chest, you begin to worry a bit. Well, actually, you worry about everything! My current list of worries includes but is not limited to:
- falling when walking down stairs with her
- falling when carrying her at anytime
- anyone falling while carrying her
- getting into an accident while driving with her in the vehicle, and having it catch on fire while we are upside down in the ditch after rolling 6 times.
- dry drowning in the bathtub (thank Oprah for this one...)
- suffocation on a crochet blanket with holes all over it
- having the straps on her jolly jumper "let go" for absolutely no reason
- aliens. Yes you read that correctly, aliens. Last night when I got up to feed little bean in the wee hours of the morning I heard a strange sound outside. Though I'm sure it was probably a train (we live behind a train track) my mind immediately jumped to a possible apocalyptic alien attack, and I began to lament about how much I was going to suck at defending my family against aliens..... Perhaps I need to nap a little during the day when little bean goes down....

So, my suggestion is to make sure you hug your mom today. After all, you put her through a lot during those teen years. And if you are currently a teenager who knows everything, just wait.... soon all those things you tell yourself: "I'll never do that!"............ you will.... you will :)

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